[PR Announcement] Procedures Before Returning to VISTEC Against COVID-19 Outbreak

 Dear All, 


Due to the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak, VISTEC COVID-19 War Room Team has been monitoring the situations carefully to keep our community safe by updates our measurement as follows; 


1.  According to the latest Rayong province statement (15 Apr 2021), the online classes and work from home (WFH) measurement is still effective until the end of April or until further notice. 


2.     For those who require to come back to VISTEC after Songkran holiday, please strictly follow two steps;  

  1. Complete the risk assessment form https://bit.ly/32d3RjV  and send a copy of your form with your timeline to your supervisor to get approval before coming back to the campus. 
  2.  If you travel from the high-risk areas*, according to the announcement by CDC and Rayong province, after done the process as mentioned in (1), we request that you quarantine yourself for 14 days in your room and monitoring your health closely. If there have any suspect symptoms, please contact a nurse or the War Room Team immediately. 

VISTEC also requests your kind cooperation in preparing a timeline during your Songkran holiday period. 


3.    For those people who complete the state quarantine period and require to come back to VISTEC, you have to present your certificate/the result and your supervisor's acknowledgment before getting on the campus.  


4.    To reduce your chance of getting COVID-19, the Covid-19 War Room team suggests to avoided public areas i.e. the sports complex, canteens, or common area at the dormitory during this pandemic time.
Or if you wish to get small gathering please do not forget to practice your personal hygiene


Please note that VISTEC's measurement will be adjusted to the government's statement and we will update more measures and protocols upon the announcement of CDC. 


Always wear your face mask, wash your hands often, and avoiding to stay in crowded areas. 


Stay safe and thank you 

The COVID-19 War Room Team

Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (Vistec)